Abbattitore di fuliggine defuligginatori ad acqua a riciclo a norme ce

lunedì 23 settembre 2013

Ventiltecnoful Srl, located in the Province of Naples, directly produces soot in automatic operation.

The company Ventiltecnoful S.r.l. It operates on the Italian market and Internazione for 30 years in the field of abatement of dust sostanzeinquinanti and 10 pm , entries present in gaseous atmosphere with treatment plants and filtration plants and sewage fumes and odors.
Long experience has allowed us to appreciate innovations to soot , high yield up to 100% of the reduction of soot , grease fumes and certainly vantagioso for economic investment .

Our soot used to process volumes of air from wood-fired ovens for baking pizza , bakery, and other food embers . Our soot are used for the removal of carbonaceous particles ( soot) and unburned pm10 in the flue gas emitted from industrial kitchens, canteens, communities ' etc. ... very efficiently , as documented by tests performed by certified laboratories , obtaining full and absolute compliance with the regulations in force in Italy and Europe.

The soot of Ventiltecnoful used comply with the provisions of law , with values ​​far short of the threshold set by the local health and other agencies beyond their control.

Our soot from equipment are required to cope with all the problems of emissions into the atmosphere , regardless of their type , and highest yields due to their innovation of operation, also our soot show a lower power consumption 80 to 90 % compared to other models currently on the market .

The small size of our soot , facilitate their installation in tight places making changes in the construction phase of the chiller soot , allowing you to deal with and have the solution to problems of emissions into the atmosphere , definitely not achievable with conventional systems on the market , plants treated with the same volume have dimensions far larger and economically more greedy , this allows you to meet new needs without reducing the initial investment becomes obsolete or inadequate, allowing , with this flexibility, important cost savings on investment.
With our soot is also possible to predict the energy recovery of heat contained in the emission source .
Our soot have by far the lowest cost of investment and management between soot abatement systems currently on the market . For its small size , the small installed power , the great capacity of the air handling with the absence of expensive civil works to achieve its installation , allow to be used in any industrial or civil costs uguagliabili from other plants in trade .

The principle of operation is based on the process Scubber / Venturi . The type of pollutant addressed from shock is the typical emission of soot from cooking plants that use wood as fuel or biomass, in particular wood-fired ovens for pizza , bread , roasted , grills, roasters , industrial wood stoves , pellet stoves , etc. ....

The reference sectors of installation of our systems are:

• Pizzerias .
• Dairies .
• Restaurants .
• Hotels.
• Canteens .
• Catering .
• Mobile Catering & events .
• Sector Centre.

Another area of application of our soot and filtering of emissions from combustion of virgin wood ( wood chips or pieces) , sfriddi sawmill , carpentry and joinery, construction waste , old wood ( furniture, packaging , sawdust, shavings , etc ...) , pellets .
The main actors that make up the target market for these filters are:

* Designers , builders, maintainers , installers and operators of heating plants and district heating , food , biomass.
* Designers , builders, maintainers , installers and operators of installations combusting gas from biomass , woodgas , biogas and syngas .
* Designers , builders, maintainers , installers and operators of combustion plant food with liquid biomass (vegetable oils , ........)
* Carpenter , sawmills , furniture manufacturers , suppliers of wood that reuse the waste propylene , they want to filter emissions they generate.
The process of killing by us product uses the properties physical-mechanical properties of fluids and gases and maximizing the contact surface fluid / polluting, thanks to an optimization of the reaction time and contact, the speed and pressure levels , helps break down DUST , nitrogen oxides , sulfur oxides , ammonia , phenols and other molecules related to combustion processes.

Our soot can be dimensioned without any problem in order to achieve the desired terget . An adequate system design , makes it possible to ensure compliance with the statutory limit values ​​.
Advantages linked to the adoption of a plant soot abatement .

1 . Respect for the law parameters for emissions into the atmosphere.
2 . Compliance with the requirements for obtaining certification process and environmental quality , solving problems , or possible in the future , related to the dispute with the neighbors due to odors , dust and soot , also Ventiltecnoful produces the sewage treatment plant called Smokeoff purification fumi.odori , fat for the beverage as an alternative to the chimney Vertical.